“SpoKe is what Robert Creeley used to call "good natured". It is a pleasure always to receive and read it. From Bunny Lang to Linda Norton, and through a dazzling batch of new and forgotten writers you can travel with pleasure.”
Fanny Howe
Recent Issues
spoKe 10
This year spoKe marks its 10th anniversary. Launched in response to the Boston Marathon bombings, we have now shared ten issues of poetry and poetics from Boston and beyond.
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Ed Bullins, Ishmael Reed, Askia Muhammed, Sonia Sanchez, Horace, Marie-Celie Agnant, Wang Ping, Suzanne Mercury, essays on Patchen, Reznikoff, more.
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Delmore Schwarts issue: Clark Coolidge, poems and Guston; Contemporary Chinese Poetry, Marc Vincenz, Osip Mandelshtam. On Basil King, Guston, Ruth Lepson, Stratis Haviaras, Gary Snyder.
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Ifeanyi Menkiti issue: Iqbal translations, Amanda Cook, Ukrainian poets in translation, Christina Davis, Daniel Tobin, Michael Franco, David Blair, Ruth Lepson. Fanny Howe and Jim Dunn on Harry Crosby via Ben Mazer. Russell Edson letters. On Rexroth, Pinsky.
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Sam Cornish issue: Philip Nikolayev translations of Russian poets, John Mulrooney, Sunnylynn Thibodeau, Meg Tyler. On Gerrit Lansing, Denise Levertov, Bill Corbett, Sam Cornish.
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Larry Eigner issue: Martial, Bob Kuttner, Alfred Corn. On Ben Mazer. More Eigner.
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Bunny Lang issue: Bill Berkson, Callimachus, Benedicte Vilgrain translated by Keith Waldrop, Patrick Pritchett, Ron Padgett, Marc Vincenz.
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John Wheelwright Issue: Homero Aridjis, Euripides, Li Shangyin, Irish in Boston, Charles North.
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Women poets from Uruquay, Catullus, Frederic Forte, Ben Mazer, Suzanne Mercury. Christopher Ricks on Bob Dylan and T.S. Eliot. On Wallace Stevens, Charles Olson, Whitman and Creeley. Taylor Stoehr.
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Fanny Howe issue: Damon Krukowski, Danielle Legros Georges, Jim Dunn, Taylor Stoehr, Charles Coe, Geoffrey Young.